George Ii At The Battle Of Dettingen. 'george Dismounted, Drew Hissword And Put Himself At The Head Of The Troops Exclaiming: "now,boys, Now For The Honour Of England: Fire And Behave Bravely, Andthe French Will Soon Run."' - Hand Painted Oil Reproduction

Ernest CroftsItem # 2485360
George Ii At The Battle Of 
Dettingen. 'george Dismounted, Drew Hissword And Put Himself At The Head
 Of The Troops Exclaiming:
This painting will come with an ADDITIONAL 3 inches of blank canvas on all sides leaving plenty of room for framing or mounting.
Frame Options
Frame 1326
Frame 1326
Frame 1330
Frame 1330
Frame 1306
Frame 1306
Frame 1307
Frame 1307
Frame 1323
Frame 1323
Frame 1315
Frame 1315
Frame 1316
Frame 1316
Frame 1313
Frame 1313
Frame 1303
Frame 1303
Gallery Wrap
Gallery Wrap
Canvas Stretched
Canvas Stretched
Painting Size
31" x 16"
38" x 20"
46" x 24"
54" x 28"
61" x 32"
69" x 36"
76" x 40"
30% off today
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100% Hand Painted

All of our oil painting reproductions are 100% hand-painted by our talented artists, who have at least 15 years of experience, with the finest paints and the highest quality canvas. In order to honor the colors, detail, and brushstroke of the original, our artists will normally take 3-4 weeks to make your masterpiece absolutely perfect.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We will send you photos of the painting for your approval before we ship it. You can request changes if you would like the painting to be modified. We also offer a 45-day money-back guarantee. We want you to enjoy the art you are purchasing. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, you may return your painting to us within 45 days for a full refund of the purchase price.

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